The Critic (Chauncey Bellamy) The Critic is an actor, singer, and award-winning teacher who received his training at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts and has appeared in numerous theatrical productions across the country. He will give you a look at film and TV from an actor’s perspective, not from that of the typical critic. Instead of approaching movies and TV shows from the same-old tired point of view, he’ll give you insights into how the performances in those movies and TV shows will either excite you or leave you feeling cold. After listening to his no-holds barred reviews and opinions, you’ll get a feel for what will and will not appeal to your individual taste. However, he won’t go unchecked, because the Ref will always make sure that he is accountable. The Critic is more than up to the task of challenging conventional notions with clarity, specificity, and energy. The Referee (cfaison) A referee, by nature, is one who insures that the rules of a game are maintained and followed in an orderly fashion. However, the Critic believes that said rules are made to be broken. So, the Ref must be ready to blow the whistle on any violation she sees fit. But, this isn’t your run-of-the-mill referee. She is a trained actress who has professional experience in musical theatre, plays, short and feature films, web series, and now podcasts. She has been the actor, director, and writer of many projects based in New York City; some of which have won awards at film festivals throughout the country. In addition, she has had success as a journalist, winning a National Association of Black Journalists award for her coverage of President Obama’s 2009 Inauguration. Among all of her endeavors, she holds a sweet spot for just getting lost in front of a big screen and/or television with a bucket of popcorn and a white mocha latte. And, of course, by “getting lost,” she means having her eyes wide open, paying attention to every minute detail … because nothing gets past the Ref.